

I've had some interesting dreams which is nice because I usually don't remember what I dream about. So being able to remember my dreams are actually quite fun. First, I had a dream that I was a homewrecker. Hahaha. But I was a very smart and sly homewrecker... with the help of my mother?? It was definitely odd. And then another one about the frisbee team camping together. And just a few nights ago, me learning how to lay out (clearly a dream). Then this morning, I was involved in some sort of an explosion/vibration thing, and it was pretty huge. I woke up from the "explosion" to experience another less dynamic shake, to realize that it was an earthquake. After it stopped, I went back to sleep. Ahaha.

It's been an interesting summer. FYI Hp no longer transfers their customer service phone calls to India, I spoke with an American last week, the communication process was a lot easier.

Oh, and I've decided that I'm going to Comic Con for sure next year. People fly here from ALL over to go, and I LIVE HERE! Tickets are pretty cheap too! I want to see all the panels like the Office, and Chuck. And maybe they'll have some cool movie cast panel there.

And this weekend, I'm going kayaking!! How exciting!!! And maybe lounge around at the beach after/have a picnic. I'm so excited, it's going to be so much fun. I'm going to bring my disposable waterproof camera and take lots of awesome shots. First major thing that I'm doing this summer. Haha.

C: "I want to go into the water, it helps you tan faster"
T: "Oh really?"
"Yeah, when you're wet you tan faster."
"Ooooooor maybe it's because the water washes off the sunscreen.."
"...Oh.. that's true."

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