
Not a Handler

*clap clap clapclapclap*

I had 2 summer league ultimate games last night. And I happened to be on for the last point for both of the games. One was tied at DGP (12's), the other 13-14 on hard cap. Basically, in both of these points, it was essential for my team to score. While the last point tied at 12's lasted a good 20 minutes (2 time outs and an injury were called) and there were plenty and plenty of turnovers, I threw the last turnover that led the other team to score. In my defense though, my receiver was in the endzone and the disc was in his hands before it bounced out. But at the same time, I'm sure there was another easier (more conservative) throw. Either way, I take responsibility of that. As a handler, I should be looking for the easiest throw, not trying to complete the most difficult ones..

And then my game with my actual team. I had been doing okay this game. Somewhat tired because I had track earlier and then that marathon point. Anyways, score was 13-14 bad guys. We needed to score to put us on game point too. We got the D, I had an open look. But then somehow misread a perfect throw. This is why you throw and catch when you are tired.. So that turnover was 110% my fault, bad guys got possession and scored. Boo.

At least this is summer league, and not DGP in the game-to-go to nationals. But I need to prove to myself and my teammates that when that moment comes, I can be trusted with the disc and to make the right decision.

My better is better than your better.


Interwebs Technology That I DON'T Like


Not Facebook as a social media because I use that way too much to not like it. But rather, people on Facebook--Facebook makes me dislike people that I would've not disliked if not for Facebook. Do you follow me?

Facebook makes me dislike people that I might've liked... before I realized how annoying they are. Or how ridiculous and shocking their views are (this mainly applies to super conservative people). I think Facebook starts to show you a different side of people and since, for the most part, people's profiles are public no matter how good friends you are with them, you see their status updates, their links, etc. And sometimes it really turns me off.

For instance, I met someone who's super chill and nice. I haven't really hung out with her alone, but in groups and she seems sane and normal. But she LOVES TO YELL ON FACEBOOK. ALL THE TIME. And seeing that ALL THE TIME annoys me. I'm just like, "Really, YOU ATE DINNER?! OMGZ!" Calm the heck down. I really can't fathom the need to caplocks every thought and action. But maybe I am jumping to conclusions. Perhaps her caplocks key is broken? Or maybe she doesn't know how to turn it off..

Another example is an acquaintance. I wouldn't call us amigos, but I did interact with him quite often for a period of time (2-3 times a week?). Again, he seemed normal, we didn't have deep discussions or anything. But he was always friendly and respectful. No cues of psycho-ness. Once we became friends on Facebook, I started seeing his status updates, shared links, notes, etc. And dude, this guy is off. He's got some messed up views. Like this; when I saw that he shared that my first thought was pure disbelief, then I thought he was even more stupid for sharing something like that publicly on his Facebook. Not to mention, he posts some racist stuff sometimes (he has defended himself and said that are not racist views because it's not targeting a race specifically, but rather a religion that is "brain-washing" its followers). All of this I would've never known if not for Facebook..

So in a way, maybe I should thank Facebook for opening my eyes to people. Then again, ignorance is bliss.

And perhaps this is the post where you decide that you don't like me...