

At what point are you over-recruiting? I've been involved with recruitment a couple times before but now I'm just wondering if recruiting for club is different from college.

In college, it was just really being persistent, selling it easy, and trying to get them hooked. And I think for the most part, it was fairly effective. My second year of recruiting (3rd year returner), we had enough girls for 2 teams. And when I talk about recruitment, it's not just getting the girls to come out but also getting them to stay. Some as much as you want them to leave, they won't. Others you beg and plead, but they just won't commit. But is that the right approach? There have been a couple of girls that I've spent considerable amount of time on trying to get them to stay with the team. Either meeting with them privately, listening to their concerns, telling them what I see, etc., etc. And at one point, I just felt like I was just stroking their ego, like nothing I say would make a difference but they liked hearing about how they are really good and that the team needs them. Now I'm not sure if that's what was really going on, but I feel like if I keep making all this effort and response is always very wishy-washy, not committing, but not saying that you aren't; it just seems like you like the attention and what you're hearing. I don't know if that's just me. I've wanted to quit the team before, and I didn't really talk to anyone about it because it's my choice to make and I didn't want to make a big deal or seem like I want the attention.

So now I wouldn't say I'm actively recruiting for club but I do know people that are trying out for other teams. I always share my experience but I largely leave the decision up to the individual and just to do "what is right". And I'm not sure my different approach is because I'm not captaining anymore or that I've learned it's not always best to be over-assertive. But I guess with club it's also different, you know that they do want to play it's just where they think they can achieve whatever goals they aim for. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but I just noticed that I'm a lot less assertive and I really do think it's because of previous experiences and I think recruitment on these two levels are fairly different. But then again, you do need to cater to each individual at the same time. It's interesting and I'm bored.

1 comment:

808 said...

Candy. Roofies.

Works every time.