
Hermione is a Whore!

Death Eaters 2011

Lei Out was awesome. First Lei out ever. Almost won the C bracket. Lost 12-13 on DGP. 

"I think I end up on top.."

"Oh, an elephant sillyband.. That's really political of you."

"No means no."
"That sounds really familiar.. Where is that from?"

"I hate Harry, bitches!" or "I hate hairy bitches?"

"I'm going to yak"  x2391238120938

"C bracket! C is for serious!"

"If we win the C bracket, we're going to have to get.... henna tattoos!"

Ducky's timid directions: "You might want to take a right ahead"

Quoting Arrested Development and doing the chicken dance. 

This weekend went down in history.

1 comment:

lenamieko said...

Aw I just saw this post! Lei out was amazing!! Am I the "I'm going to yak" quote?