
Idiots x2

Same girl mentioned in my last post asked me AGAIN how to read military time. Seriously??


Some People Are... Idiots

While at work today, a client asked for my help. I went over to her computer station, and she pointed at the screen saying how she didn't know how to read the time. She was on her MyUCDavis homepage which displays the classes and the time of the classes. And the time of the classes were not written in regular 12 hour time, but in military time. So she points at "1410" and says, "I can't read this, what does that mean?" Even after explaining to her it's out of 24 hours as opposed to 12 hours, she still had me decode all her class times.

Later, she asked for my help again. She didn't know how to download files or attachments. So I went over again, and she showed me where she got stuck. After clicking on the file, a download window pops up, her two options are "Save" and "Cancel" and that's where she became confused. Are you SERIOUS?!?

Wow. Some people.

I've been going to the gym and working out regularly. Hooray! But for the past two days, every muscle aches. My calves, thighs, triceps, biceps, pecs. Took a little break because going into a tournament sore is probably not the way to go. I'm a little nervous for this tournament since it'll be my first club tournament. Well, not if you include Pleasure Town Throw Down last year. We'll see how this goes!



I went to BAG practice today. Kinda spontaneous. Sai invited me to go with them a few days ago, and I agreed if there was space for me in the car--which there was, so I went. It was actually a lot more fun than I expected.. I think I did fairly well. Not sure if I want to play though. Mainly just because of the commitment, I kinda like not having an obligation to play ultimate. It's my only freedom from ultimate. But I was invited to play with them next week, and if I so desire, the Series. We'll see. And plus my knee is still a bit tweaked, I really should get it checked out. And I should use this time to heal for the college season. But anyways, it was fun.. and I might end up playing ultimate this summer. We'll see where this goes and how next weekend goes.

BTW I love summer school! Well, it's just that I'm only taking two classes, so I can focus on my classes. Plus no ultimate or work, so I can actually take the time to do my work and study. There's no distractions or excuses. Only Davis is effing hot in the summer. Today before we left for BAG practice in SF, it was getting hot in Davis, and I assumed it would be the same there. So I brought my Patagonia short sleeves and that's it. We get there, it's all overcast and windy. I was freezing. Haha. Clearly not running hard enough. It's interesting how much the weather can change without being too far away.
