
DUI Recap

19472 shades darker, sunburnt lips, and aching body. Got murdered by all the club teams. Lost to Chico (which consisted of non-Chico, former Pleiades), and beat Santa Cruz (however, Lillian and Hannah were not playing..). In a pool play, I had a huge backhand huck, which a Fury player commented that it was a "great rip." And then in the same point, she proceeded to hand-block me. Haha. I was working a lot on my forehand hucks this weekend, and they seems somewhat catchable now. At least it's a lot less bladely. But my backhand hucks are getting too floaty now.

Sectionals this week. Should be fun. Time to bring the A game. Staying at Meg's! We got to play sardines or hide-and-seek.

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